How to Break Down Clay Soil Fast

How to Break Down Clay Soil Fast

Clay soil is a big challenge when it comes to growing grass. It’s dense, holds water, and these characteristics make it prone to getting compacted over time. Compact soil is not welcoming to grass because it is challenging for root growth. It also prevents adequate drainage, and doesn’t allow enough oxygen to get into the root zone. To break down clay soil quickly, there are several methods you can use.

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Humic vs Fulvic Acid

Humic vs Fulvic Acid Comparison (how each helps your lawn)

Humic and fulvic acids are two different organic compounds derived from decomposing organic matter, such as fallen leaves, compost, and other plant materials. While both have the same origins, humic acid is a much larger molecule and has a few differences from fulvic acid in how it benefits turfgrass and your soil’s microbiome. Today, I’ll compare humic vs fulvic acid to help beginners understand how each can help to improve your lawn by improving the soil it grows in.

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Lime vs Gypsum

Lime vs Gypsum Comparison (differences, and what to use)

Lime and gypsum are common soil amendments, and many homeowners tend to get confused about what each does for turfgrass, and the lawn issues each amendment addresses. Each product can be great for lawns, but neither is always helpful. There are significant differences between them, including what you’re supposed to use each product for. Today, I’m going to clear up all the confusion with a complete lime vs gypsum comparison. I’ll also help you identify signs and symptoms that may tell you your lawn could use an application of lime or gypsum. 

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How Much Does a Yard of Mulch Weigh

How Much Does a Yard of Mulch Weigh?

Mulching gives garden beds extra protection from weeds and erosion, and the right mulch can also offer nutritional and soil-building benefits. When it comes to quantifying mulch, we often hear the experts measuring it in yards. But before you place a mulch order this season, you should understandhow much a yard of mulch weighs (and how much space it will cover) so that you can plan how much to order, and how to move and apply it. In today’s article I’ll answer your question: how much does a yard of mulch weigh? and explain everything you need to know to mulch your garden beds perfectly.

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