Sod vs Hydroseed

Sod vs Hydroseed Comparison

If your lawn is looking more than a little lacklustre, maybe you’re considering starting from scratch with options such as new sod or hydroseeding. Both are popular options for new construction and homeowners who want to see results in a hurry. With sod or hydroseed you can quickly establish a beautiful lawn. In this article, I’ll compare sod vs hydroseed, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach in terms of cost, labor, time, and final results.

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Does Grass Seed Go Bad

Does Grass Seed Go Bad?

Maybe you’ve had this experience. You go to the big box store and stare at several different kinds of grass seed. The more you look, the more confused you get. How do you know which type to buy when there’s no one to ask? When you do buy, you might buy too much grass seed, and now you are wondering if it’s going to last until next season. Does grass seed go bad? The answer is that it can … the shelf life of grass seed depends on many factors.

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How to Lay Sod

How to Lay Sod: The Ultimate Guide

A lush, green yard is a beautiful addition to your home. All things equal, improving your yard and curb appeal can cause your property value to jump more than any other home DIY project. It makes your home more appealing and shows that you care about maintaining your property. While it’s possible to make huge strides and improve your lawn over a few years, those seeking a quick fix and instant gratification may decide to lay sod. In this article I’ll tell you how to lay sod the right way, offering tips and tricks to make sure your new lawn doesn’t have ugly seams (or worse – die) after you install it.

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Best Grass Seed for Overseeding

What is the Best Grass Seed for Overseeding?

With the many different types of grass seed available today, choosing what type of grass to seed alone is a difficult decision, but choosing to overseed adds another component to the mix. Let’s face it — grass seed is expensive, and if you want to get the best bang for your buck, you’ll want to choose the best grass seed for overseeding.

In this article I’ll help you choose the best seed for your lawn, your climate, and your skill level. This way, you can make an informed choice.

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How Long Does it Take Grass Seed to Grow

How Long Does it Take Grass Seed to Grow

Grass is a very common staple to household landscaping and scenery. Many choose grass to create beautiful front and back yards to play on and enjoy. But if you’re planting grass for the first time, you may be wondering how long does it take grass seed to grow?

While many opt to buy pre-rolled and ready-to-plant grass sod from the store, or even fake grass, there is still a large majority of people who enjoy gardening and tending to their lawns themselves.

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Best Time to Water Grass Seed

What is the Best Time to Water Grass Seed?

Watering grass can seem like a simple process, but in reality it is something you need to pay close attention to. The difference between a perfect lawn grown from seed and a dry, sparse lawn has to do with a few factors. Those factors can include the time of year you plant, how often you water, whether or not you mulch, and making sure you follow the best time to water grass seed (which is in the morning).

In this article I’ll explain everything you need to know to get the best results from your newly seeded lawn. With a bit of guidance and attention paid, you will have a beautiful lawn in no time.

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When to Fertilize New Grass

When to Fertilize New Grass for Best Results

Growing grass generally doesn’t take an agonizing amount of effort. But cultivating a new lawn requires a certain level of diligence to give grass seed the best chance to germinate and thrive. It is also important for roots to grow deep into the soil in order to form a well-established lawn. In this article I’ll explain when to fertilize new grass so that you can enjoy the best results.

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