It’s no secret. The fastest way to get a beautiful, green lawn when you start from scratch is to lay down some sod. Choosing sod over planting grass seed is much easier, and will provide an instant lawn, but it also adds more difficulty to the process. While most people schedule delivery of their sod, you may be asking yourself how much does a pallet of sod weigh, and can my pickup or trailer handle the weight?
I’ll answer those questions and more in this article to explain whether picking up your sod is worth it.
This article was last updated on by Lawn Chick Owner Sarah Jameson
Article content reviewed for accuracy by Horticulturist Arthur Davidson, A.S.
One advantage to starting a new lawn from seed is that you don’t have to worry about how you will get bags of grass seed home.
Just toss it in the back seat!
Buying sod is a different story, and most homeowners who plan to lay sod in their yard prefer to just get their new turf delivered.
With that said, if you have a big truck or heavy duty trailer, you may be able to save some cash on delivery and pick up your own pallet of sod.
But how much will it weigh?
Here’s what you need to know about how much a pallet of sod weighs, what size pallet sod comes on, etc.
Pallet Sizes
The first thing you need to know is that pallets come in different sizes, and that those sizes affect the weight.
And sod comes in various sizes and shapes as well, another factor which will change how much a pallet of sod weighs.
Most pallets hold 400 – 500 square feet of sod. However, some pallets containing large rolls can hold 600 – 700 square feet.
Naturally, the weight of the pallet depends on how much sod it holds, so be sure to ask about this when purchasing your sod.
But other factors affect the weight of a sod pallet, too.
What Else Affects the Weight of a Sod Pallet?
- The type of wood used in the pallet is not a huge factor, but it does affect weight.
- The amount of soil attached to the sod (thickness) is significant in determining your pallet’s weight. It is desirable to have a hefty amount of dirt on your sod slabs. More soil means faster, healthier growth, but it also means each roll of sod will be heavier.
- Sod needs to stay moist to stay alive, and this moisture adds weight. Again, it is good to have a nice hydrated pallet of sod, but water will add up to 50% more weight, so keep this in mind.
So, How Much Does the Average Pallet of Sod Weigh?
A decent all-around average weight for a pallet of sod is about 2,000 pounds. For larger sized pallets and sod orders which contain thicker rolls of sod and the soil is higher in moisture, the weight can increase all the way up to 3,000 pounds.
It’s important to take the above factors into account. And I always recommended that you call your retailer to get an accurate weight before heading to the store to pick up your sod pallet(s).
Pallet Sizes by Location
Size of Sod Pallets in Southern United States
In the southern US, retailers sell sod in slabs.
Slabs of sod are usually 16″ x 24″ and cover 2.66 square feet, but this may vary.
It is essential to know the price per square foot and how many square feet are on a pallet because pallet sizes range from 400 sq. feet to 500 sq. feet. You should always ask your retailer for this specific information before placing your sod order.
Size of Sod Pallets in Northern United States
In colder climates such as the Northeastern US, upper Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest, sod is generally sold in mini hand rolls or large rolls.
A typical mini hand roll is 40” x 18” and covers 5 sq. feet. There are 80 rolls on a 400 sq. foot pallet; 90 rolls on a 450 sq. foot pallet; and 100 rolls on a 500 sq. foot pallet.
Large rolls usually come in two sizes: 60” x 24” or 80” x 18”. Both dimensions cover 10 sq. feet. Most sod farms and retailers sell large rolls in 500, 600, and 700 sq. foot pallets.
Again, coordinate the amount you need and the price per sq. foot with the seller.
After determining how much sod you need for your project, you can clarify an approximate weight of your sod pallets with the retailer.
This will allow you to see if your truck or trailer can handle that weight, and if you’d have to make multiple trips you can decide if that hassle is worth it, or if you’d rather pay for the convenience of delivery.
Can My Truck or Trailer Handle the Weight of My Sod Pallet?
If you plan to get your pallet in your pick-up truck or with a trailer, these guidelines will help make sure you don’t have any issues getting your turf home.
- A three-quarter-ton truck is the minimum for hauling a pallet of sod.
- A full one-ton pick-up is recommended for pallets weighting over the average 2,000 pounds.
- A one-half-ton truck can hold a half-pallet of sod.
- If you buy two pallets of sod, you will need at least a tandem-axle trailer. Your tandem-axle trailer should have a minimum of four tires.
- Three pallets of sod will require a goose-neck trailer with two 6,000 – 7,000-pound axles and trailer breaks.
With that information in mind, you’ll quickly see that for everything but the smallest jobs, it’s likely in your best interest to arrange to have your sod delivered to the job site.
Should I Get My Sod Delivered?
If picking up a pallet of sod yourself sounds like a big hassle, or you do not have the means, delivery is a viable option, and it’s what most people choose to do when purchasing sod.
Remember, when you pick-up at the store, you will most likely have store personnel help load it. Unloading by yourself, might not be so easy.
If you do plan to pick up your own sod, have some friends ready to help you lay it at the job site (pizza and beer are great motivators).
Renting Equipment to Pick Up Sod
If you are going to have to rent equipment to pick-up sod, you should look into delivery.
The reality is that if you’re renting a truck or trailer, then you’re probably not saving much money, and you’re certainly wasting time when compared to scheduling delivery of your sod.
Some stores and sod retailers offer free delivery, but you have to adhere to their timeline.
Most sod retailers that advertise free delivery are 10 – 15 days out from the time you order.
That’s a significant chunk of time that your lawn remains bare (and it’s one of the primary reasons people like to pick up their own sod).
Hiring the Professionals for Your Sod Job
If your sod job is turning into a big headache, consider hiring a professional lawn service for the job.
It will take all the hassle and worry out of getting that perfect green lawn you desire.
Installing sod is easy, and much cheaper than hiring professionals, but you avoid the bother of pick-up and the hard labor.
A professional lawn company’s product and service will also come with some kind of guarantee, which is likely not the case for weekend warriors.
You’ll also probably wind up with a better installation by trusting your project to the pros.
If your sod needs some pampering after they lay it, they will do what it takes to make your new lawn thrive.
And if for some reason, your sod doesn’t take and dies, they should replace it.
When you think through your sod project, keep these points in mind. For many people, hiring a local lawn service might be the best option.
How Much Does a Pallet of Sod Weigh? It Depends
Every homeowner who desires a lush, green lawn in record time should purchase sod.
The questions most people have surround what type of turf to buy, and what is the best way to get those sod pallets to your job site.
You definitely have to understand how much a pallet of sod weighs before you toss it in the bed of your pickup. Many standard trucks won’t be able to support the load.
Several factors affect the weight of a pallet of sod, so my best advice is to call the retailer for the specifics of your delivery. They can go over everything you need to know to haul your order home safely.
If you decide to leave it to the professionals, most of your stress will disappear, but some of your hard earned cash will go with it.
What’s most important, however, is you end up with a healthy, green lawn you can enjoy and be proud of throughout the growing season.
And make sure you read my complete guide to laying sod before you start laying your new turf.