Lawnbright Interview with Founder Craig Elworthy

Lawnbright Interview (with founder Craig Elworthy)

As the Managing Editor at Lawn Chick, I have the opportunity to meet and speak to key people at some of the most exciting and reputable brands in lawn care. One of those individuals is Craig Elworthy, founder of Lawnbright, an exciting family-run business that focuses on delivering premium lawn care products that are easy to apply, safe to use, and provide a more sustainable approach to growing and maintaining a great lawn.

Ever since I first spoke with Craig (and tried some Lawnbright products on my own lawn), I’ve hoped to share some of his expertise and vision with Lawn Chick readers, and today I’m pleased that we have the opportunity to do just that in a short (but really interesting) Lawnbright interview.

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Sunday Lawn Care Interview

Sunday Lawn Care Interview (we asked Sunday’s experts 7 questions – here’s what they said)

Here at Lawn Chick, we get a lot of questions from readers each year – either through comments left at the bottom of our hundreds of in-depth blog articles, or submitted by email or via our contact form. Many of these questions center around broad lawn care topics such as fertilization, weed control, soil health, and responsible lawn care practices.

My name is Joe, and I work with Lawn Chick founder Sarah Jameson as the managing editor of this website. Since I personally use Sunday’s lawn care subscription on my property (and I’m a big fan), I invited experts from their science, research and development, and lawn advisor team to share their thoughts on these topics in today’s Sunday lawn care interview.

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