Sunday Lawn Care is an excellent choice for organic lawn care (and it’s my pick for the best lawn care subscription plan available in 2024). Their products include natural ingredients, are user-friendly, and don’t require any special equipment outside of a garden hose. What’s more, they are designed to be safe for the environment, pets, and children. In today’s in-depth Sunday lawn care review I’ll share everything you need to know about this company. I’ll explain their plans, walk you through the ordering process step-by-step (with some tips to save you money, including my Sunday coupon code), and do a deep-dive into the ingredients in their products.
As I updated this article for the 2024 lawn care season, I also interviewed several members of Sunday’s science and research and development team for unique insights about what they’re doing (and why).
Today, I’m sharing their answers to my questions – something you won’t find in any other Sunday reviews online.
Finally, I’ll share my experience and the results you can expect.
This article was last updated on by Lawn Chick Owner Sarah Jameson
Article content reviewed for accuracy by Horticulturist Arthur Davidson, A.S.
Why I Recommend Sunday Lawn Care
Today’s homeowner is busier than ever. Having a team of experts delivering you the good stuff so you can just feed and enjoy your lawn without sweating the logistics, is a great option.

Sunday Lawn Care’s custom plans are tailored to the specific needs of your lawn. They are designed to help it become more healthy and vibrant. Their custom lawn care subscription also includes weed treatment and (if needed) high quality grass seed to use to thicken up your grass and create a beautiful lawn to enjoy.
While there are a few things to be aware of (and the subscription route isn’t for everyone), I personally have found Sunday to be one of the best options for DIY organic lawn care.
The ingredients in their fertilizer pouches are high quality, packaged well, and with every delivery you receive you’ll feel like you’re getting excellent value for the money spent.
My review of Sunday lawn care is that it is an excellent value, and extremely convenient DIY lawn care option for most homeowners. is reader supported. If you make a purchase after clicking a link, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. |
Who is Behind the Sunday Lawn Care Company?
Sunday lawn care was founded by brothers Coulter and Trent Lewis (who was kind enough to respond to a few of our questions this year to take our Sunday review to the next level) with the intention of giving your lawn everything it needs to thrive without the use of harsh chemicals. They are committed to providing a safe, natural solution that is tailored to you and your lawn’s needs.
Using customized nutrients to fit your lawn’s needs, you can significantly improve your soil’s microbial health and bring it to life. Instead of forcing the results of your lawn with harsh chemicals, Sunday’s approach is to use science to bring your lawn back to the way nature intended.
Although your home’s lawn is a lot smaller, it’s estimated that 10x the amount of chemicals required for industrial crops are used on residential lawns each year.
Reducing your consumption of these products reduces your lawn’s dependence as well as your impact on the environment.
Sunday aims to help you get the most out of your lawn without compromising its safety. Their approach is simple and effective, focusing on nourishment and regular maintenance to keep weeds at bay.
Insects, animals, pets, and kids are all a lot safer around Sunday lawn care treated lawns because their products avoid harsh synthetic chemicals.
Regular maintenance with Sunday Lawn Care can also help your lawn become more resistant to chemical dependence (which is what I’ll get into next).
Why Choose Natural Ingredients Over Synthetic Lawn Care Products?
I try not to preach any philosophical or political viewpoints on this blog, and I won’t do that here.
That said, it’s an uncomfortable fact that harsh chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides can have a detrimental effect on the environment. They also have been proven to be bad for your health as many chemicals remain active in the soil for long periods of time.
A lot of homeowners and lawn enthusiasts are easily misled into expecting immediate results, which leads to buying products that may deliver those short-term results (that quickly fade).
This is great if you sell synthetic fertilizer (hellooooo repeat customers!) … not so great if you own a home and want a healthy and resilient lawn.
On the other hand, natural and organic lawn care methods are more sustainable … and reliable in the long run.
Sunday lawn care’s approach focuses on nourishing your soil rather than force-feeding your grass. This approach can work to bring your lawn back to health over time so it will look better with less work.
Isn’t that what you are really looking for? I know I am!
A Different Approach
While it isn’t something most consider (everyone in your neighborhood hires companies to come spray their lawn down with herbicide, insecticide, etc. and leave little skull and cross-bone signs by the curb … why shouldn’t you?) chemical fertilizers can be harmful to pets, children, and wildlife.
If you have any kids or pets running around your lawn, organic lawn care can put your mind at ease so that they are safe from harm. This will let you focus on the good stuff we all want to do in our yard.
Sunday Lawn Care has a range of products that take into account all of your lawn’s needs, from top to bottom, including the people who use it (you know, the ones that eat all your food … even doing so half-naked on your lawn sometimes).
Exhibit A:
But beyond the great products they deliver, Sunday also offers advice on how to plan a watering program that suits your lawn’s needs best.
There are other lawn care companies delivering subscription-based natural lawn care (like Lawnbright and Lawnbox), but Sunday stands out from its competitors as they provide a more holistic approach to lawn care, focusing on sustainability and the health of your soil rather than just the superficial beauty of it.
They’re also not a copycat – they were one of the first companies to take this marketing approach in the lawn care space – selling America on convenience, quality, and conscience – which required a level of vision and follow through that I respect and appreciate.
The end result when you go with Sunday is a beautiful lawn, but the results may take a tiny bit longer to be evident than they wood if you use synthetic fertilizers and pro-grade herbicides.
If you ask me?
Worth the wait.
Why Choose Sunday Lawn Care Over Other Lawn Care Subscriptions?
Working hard to ensure they are a one-stop shop for all of your lawn needs, Sunday has given itself a strong competitive edge in the subscription lawn care market.
Their commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction is second-to-none, and they’ve built a loyal following since they launched in 2019.
But they’re not the only one with this model.
In my view, their top competitors are:
Lawnbright vs Sunday
Lawnbright offers a very similar subscription-based model that delivers organic liquid lawn fertilizer and soil amendments. They are the closest 1:1 comp to Sunday on the market and offer a high quality product line.
One thing that I like that Lawnbright does really well is they’re set up to send you text messages automatically based on local weather data to remind you when to water your lawn to keep it looking great. They even tell you how long you should run the sprinklers.
They tend to be priced comparably to Sunday, and are a lawn subscription plan I recommend (though Sunday is my top choice).
Lawnbox vs Sunday
If you like the subscription model, but aren’t quite sure about liquid fertilizer and want to stick with what you know, Lawnbox is a good Sunday lawn care alternative.
You may already be familiar with Lawnbox‘s parent company, The Andersons, as they’re one of the premiere turf fertilizer brands in the United States. With Lawnbox they’ve entered the subscription lawn care market and created something really special with organic fertilizers that are 100% plant-based and natural.
You’re not relying on Urea or other traditional nitrogen sources here … instead you’re getting premium soybean and other plant-based sources of Nitrogen.
The quality of products you receive with Lawnbox is excellent, and there are two main reasons I recommend Sunday instead.
- The need for extra equipment – If you’re looking into subscription lawn care you may not have a lot of equipment or garage space you want to dedicate to your yard care tools. With Sunday all you really need is a hose, but with Lawnbox you’ll need to invest in (and store) a fertilizer spreader.
- The price – Lawnbox delivers a premium, plant-based granular fertilizer product, and that comes at a cost. It’s more expensive than Sunday or Lawnbright, and may be outside a comfortable price range for homeowners on a tight budget.
I can help with that second point a little bit – if you decide to try Lawnbox instead, use code LAWNCHICK at checkout if you’d rather go granular and you can take 10% off any product sold by Lawnbox and 20% off the first year of your pre-paid annual subscription (if you’re a new customer). You can check for yourself, but that discount may be enough to put Lawnbox in your price range if you’d prefer granular to liquid.
Why I Still Recommend Sunday vs the Competition
Even with some steep competition, I still prefer and recommend that you choose Sunday for your subscription lawn care in 2024.
Sunday’s accuracy, packaging, support, and their fertile database of soil information across the U.S. separate them from others and allow them to deliver the best products the first year to new subscribers.
Even those with minimal knowledge of lawn care can take full advantage of Sunday as information is provided at every step along the way, making the entire process stress-free.
You can focus on taking care of your yard and taking pride in the results without worrying about the details.
They’ve got you (and your lawn) covered … with quality products.
Now let’s take a close look at the process of getting a free lawn analysis from Sunday and reviewing the cost and options available for your lawn:
Sunday Lawn Care Sign Up Process (step-by-step walk-through)
It’s quick and easy to sign up for Sunday’s annual lawn plan, and you can get started right here.
Below I’ll walk you through every step of the process with screenshots and illustrations, plus tips to save some money on your Sunday lawn plan.
Where to Start
You’ll want to go to this page right here which makes it easy to start the sign-up process (or just get a free quote). Just enter your address to get started.
If it’s your first time on the site they may ask for your email address so you can come back to view your plan any time.
Lawn Size Estimate
Next Sunday pulls up a pretty cool satellite view of your property with their estimate of your lawn’s size.
What’s important here (and this tip can save you some money on your annual plan) is that they offer a field where you can edit the size of your lawn.
Sunday’s estimate appears to be based on the lot size, and I’m not sure it takes into account the square footage of your home, driveway, patios, outbuildings, sidewalks, etc. I also don’t think it takes into account how much of your lot is wooded or garden beds.
Since all of these reduce the actual square footage of the lawn you need to fertilize, you’ll want to account for that and give Sunday the most accurate measurement possible.
Use My Free Tool to Save Some Cash
I have a free lawn size measuring tool you can access right here, and it makes it easy to quickly outline and measure all of the lawn areas in on your property:
And if your lawn has a garden, outbuilding, or pool? It’s easy to draw the outline of those, and hit the “-” button to subtract that area from your total square footage:
I used this tool to create an accurate measurement of the lawn areas at the address used for this Sunday lawn care review and step-by-step ordering walk-through (which isn’t my lawn by the way … I want some privacy and if the unsavory comments I receive every day on this blog are any indication – there are plenty of crazies out there).
This is how that accurate measurement of the lawn’s square footage turned out:
12,084.29 square feet is A LOT less than the 24,114 square feet in my estimate on the Sunday website.
If math isn’t your thing (and even if it is), that’s about half the size they estimated.
So taking a moment to use this trick when you buy your annual plan from Sunday will save you a lot of money, especially when paired with my Sunday Discount Code (LAWNCHICK2024).
Adjust The Square Footage Total on Sunday’s Site
Use the accurately measured size of your lawn area to update your Sunday lawn care plan and save some money by only getting the nutrients you need.
Then click Continue.
If your lawn measurement is pretty different from their estimate, Sunday will ask if you’re sure you’ve got the right number entered.
You know that you do, so click Continue.
One final note here – if you’ve got a monster yard they’ll stop you here and tell you that their liquid nutrient pouches may not be the best option since your lawn is so big.
You’ll have the choice to continue anyway with their nutrient pouches, or to select their granular program instead (which is the option I recommend for larger lawns).
Basically folks with a bigger lawn can still do well with Sunday – you’ll just want to combine a nice package of their liquid fertilizers to use on areas around the house, and you can supplement that with their Core Seagreen kelp-based granular fertilizer on the back 40 (acres … sorry – I sometimes use old-timey sayings when I write reviews, which is why I don’t do it much).
Getting Your Lawn Analysis from Sunday
A few moments later, Sunday will build their custom lawn analysis based on the information you’ve provided.
If you’re wondering how they do this, it’s a combination of things. They leverage historical temperature and rainfall trends in your area, when your grass type (based on your location) is most likely to grow best based on this weather data, and include the known soil profile in your region.
Scroll down and you’ll see even more information, which is more specific to your lawn based on their database of soil tests from existing customers.
To build this projection, Sunday basically uses data from the 15 closest customers who have sent their soil in for a lab-based test to estimate the needs of your lawn. This allows them to understand what your yard’s soil probably needs to thrive, and get you nutrients that account for those needs in the first shipment.
Your first box comes with a soil test kit, so future shipments will be even more dialed in to your yard’s specific needs.
But I think it’s a cool way to use their existing soil data to get a tailored plan of action for customers right away.
As far as I know, most of the other companies that offer subscription lawn care plans like this don’t have as large a database of customers across the U.S., or as much soil test data. So they really can’t do this as well for the initial shipment- it’s unique to Sunday.
You’ll see in my example that most customers in this area have soil deficient in potassium, so the first shipment would include fertilizer designed to correct that (even before you test your soil).
Sunday’s 6-Question Survey
To get a little more information about the condition of your yard, how you use it, and how you’ve taken care of it in the past, they next give you a quick and easy 6-question survey.
This helps them understand if you’ll need to overseed your lawn (they’ll include grass seed), and further tailor your smart lawn plan to your yard.
Here’s what those questions look like (and how I filled them out for this example:
Question one helps them understand your lawn’s fertilization history and make sure they use that data to build your first shipment.
They can’t see your lawn, so ask you to give them an idea of how it looks. This helps them build a plan to either keep it looking great or improve it, based on what you think of your lawn right now.
I’m guessing most people will choose All of the above! on question 3, but you do you.
Younger lawns need a little extra of certain nutrients to fully establish themselves, so this information will help them fine-tune your first shipment.
Every lawn needs to perform differently. If you have kids and pets your grass may take a beating, so they may include some extra potassium in your shipment and their best high-traffic grass seed to repair bare spots left by Fido.
As the Lawn Chick I felt comfortable with “Expert” on this final question – but like you, I’m always learning!
Your Sunday Lawn Care Plan Options
After completing your questionnaire it’s time to see your options.
What’s cool is there’s something for everyone and every budget, and they’ve designed Sunday with options that will work for everyone – from Tight-Budget Tony, to Megabucks Marvin.
And new this year, you can either pay for the year up front by choosing “Pay in full“:
Or choose “Pay as you grow” to get billed with each shipment:
What’s also cool is you can click “See plan details” (link located under “Add to cart” button) or just scroll down the page to get a closer look at what you’ll get in each box with each plan, and when it will arrive.
There are small mouseover product informational modals for each product so you can quickly learn more about them right on this screen.
In my example, I chose the grow & renew plan, which would arrive in three shipments at the ideal time for my location:
The first box from Sunday with this plan would include:
- a soil test kit,
- 15 pounds of their Fescue Rescue grass seed,
- 3 Lawn Strong fertilizer pouches,
- 3 Grass Powerhouse fertilizer pouches,
- the hose-end sprayer to apply them, and
- their selective dandelion weed killer “Dandelion Doom” with their herbicide pouch and motorized wand to kill those dandelions.
In Box 2 (arriving in July) I’d receive:
- 3 Mighty Green fertilizer pouches
- 3 Active Lawn fertilizer pouches
And in Box 3 (arriving in October) I’d receive:
- 3 Fall Fortify fertilizer pouches to winterize my lawn:
I did the math, and if I were to buy these products individually, it would cost over $575, so at the $424 quoted price in my example order, I’m already saving over $100 on my year of lawn care supplies from Sunday by subscribing to their annual lawn care plan.
Adding My Sunday Lawn Care Coupon Code for Even Bigger Savings
This is my second year working with Sunday, and last year I was able to offer my readers $20 off their annual lawn care plan.
But this year I’ve got an even better discount code for Sunday Lawn customers who read the Lawn Chick Blog.
This year’s Sunday Lawn coupon code is LAWNCHICK2024 and when you use it you’ll get 15% savings off your order.
This applies to annual lawn plans, but it also applies to anything and everything else you want to purchase from Sunday, so feel free to stock up!
Here’s where you’ll click to apply it when you add your smart lawn plan order to your cart on the Sunday website:
And as you’ll see, my Sunday discount code will save you quite a bit of money (beyond what you already saved by getting an accurate measurement of your lawn size using my free calculator):
After you’re happy with your plan and have added your Sunday Lawn discount code, click checkout, and complete the 3-step order completion process (you know the drill):
Now that you know how to place your order, let’s dig into the ingredients and the processes that make Sunday Lawn Care unique and differentiate them from other subscription lawn care options.
How Does Sunday Accurately Decide What Your Lawn Needs?
Combining data and technology is the way that Sunday gets lawn owners the results they need. Having access to satellite imagery, Sunday is able to get a full view of your lawn and accurately determine what it needs.
The data collected helps them generate a tailored package that suits all of your lawn’s needs and helps keep it healthy and looking great year-round. Sunday combines its satellite imaging with a soil testing kit to generate an accurate profile, followed by a tailored package for your lawn.
Sunday factors in the climate as well as the chemical composition of your soil to help find any deficiencies, update your plan and get your lawn where you need it. Custom lawn plans generally only feature products that are recommended based on the results of their soil tests.
The accuracy of Sunday’s analysis is second-to-none, and customers can rest assured knowing that their lawn is in the best of hands.
Taking a lot of the guesswork out of lawn care, Sunday is the perfect choice for those who are looking for sustainable results that will last. Using their product will leave you with a lawn to be proud of, without any harsh chemicals or excess oil use.
How Do Soil Tests Work?
Soil tests are an easy way to accurately determine what type of nutrients your lawn needs without having to visit a lab or pay for specialized equipment.
Soil tests work by analyzing the composition of your soil and highlighting any deficiencies that may be present. Depending on the results, Sunday will advise customers as to which products they need in order to help bring their soil back into balance.
And if you feel intimidated about testing your soil, don’t be. Here’s what the process looks like:
How to Test Your Soil with Sunday Lawn Care
Step 1 – Find your soil testing kit.
Your First delivery from Sunday will include a box that says “Start Here” and inside it you’ll find your soil test kit. The kit includes:
- A soil probe for collecting your sample,
- an envelope for packaging your sample,
- a box to ship your sample to their lab, and
- a postage-paid USPS sticker to slap on your box when you’re ready to put it in your mailbox.
Step 2 – Collect your soil sample.
The soil probe is easy to use to take a small core of soil from your yard. Just push the probe into your soil, and then pull out the soil core.
You’ll want to collect these soil cores from several spots in your yard and mix the soil in a cup, bowl or container of some kind, removing any grass, rocks, or other large organic matter.
I used a small paper cup left over from a birthday party:
Step 3 – Package your sample and drop it in the mail.
Finally, add your soil sample to the included envelope and seal it up tightly.
Next, place the sealed envelope in the included shipping box, attach the included pre-paid USPS shipping label, and drop the box off at your post office, or put it in your mailbox for collection.
That’s it!
Why Testing Your Soil Matters
As I explain almost everywhere on my blog, soil tests are a crucial aspect of lawn care maintenance and will help you stay on top of any issues that your lawn may be experiencing. Taking the time to regularly test your soil is essential for preventing problems such as soil compaction or nutrient imbalances before they become major issues.
Sunday offers you the ability to regularly monitor the soil of your lawn through their subscription option. This allows you to stay on top of any issues and make sure that your lawn is in the best possible condition year-round.
And while every lawn is unique, the first shipment from Sunday utilizes soil testing data from your neighbors to send you nutrients and soil amendments that should help you right away.
Since I’m in New England where soils tend to be acidic, my first shipment included a special New England lawn blend designed to account for this and begin improving my yard’s pH.
Why Is Soil Microbiome Important For A Healthy Lawn? (and why going organic helps)
Anyone who’s new to lawn care may come to the table thinking that a few tips and tricks are going to give them the perfect lawn.
The truth is lawns require more than a few tricks to maintain their health, as they also need a balanced soil microbiome.
A healthy soil microbiome is essential for a healthy lawn, as it helps to promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms that will protect your grass and prevent any issues from occurring.
Microorganisms are important as they help to break down organic matter and release nutrients back into the soil, making them available for your lawn.
Organic methods of lawn care are a great way to ensure that you have a healthy soil microbiome. These methods involve using natural ingredients, such as compost and organic fertilizers, rather than harsh chemical-based products.
Organic methods help to protect the environment, and can make your lawn strong, beautiful, and resilient over time. It just takes a little more patience to reach your goal.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Using Sunday Lawn Care?
If you are looking for a subscription-based lawn care service that is both organic and efficient, then Sunday Lawn Care could be the perfect fit for you.
While there are plenty of benefits to using their services, there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of.
- Accurate soil analysis and customized packages
- Organic, sustainable practices
- Automatic customization based on your region
- Clear product labeling
- Easy-to-use products
- Regular monitoring and updates on your lawn’s progress
- Expensive for larger lawns
- Slower results than synthetic fertilization methods
- Limited weed control products and lack of pre-emergent
- Limited ability to customize your plan for yourself
The drawbacks of Sunday Lawn Care should be carefully considered. Depending on your situation, you may not be affected by the drawbacks enough to outweigh the advantages of their services.
Anyone who wants results fast would be better served with traditional methods, but if you’re looking for sustainable and natural lawn care, then Sunday Lawn Care is definitely the way to go.
It’s an easy and hassle-free way to make sure that your lawn stays healthy and beautiful for many years to come.
Organic methods take significantly longer than traditional methods, but the results can be long-lasting and beneficial for both your lawn and the environment.
What I Thought of Sunday’s Fescue Rescue Grass Seed
I have a predominantly turf-type tall fescue lawn, primarily seeded with Jonathan Green Black Beauty grass seed.
When I tried out Sunday I also wanted to test their Fescue Rescue grass seed to see how it germinated and grew, what the texture was like, etc. so I could share that with my readers.
This seed is coated with a natural clay coating designed to retain moisture and aid in germination. I prefer this to other synthetic coatings used by Scotts, Pennington and others, because it’s a natural product that probably won’t harm any birds or critters who happen to snack on some.
While this coating will help keep your seeds from drying out, and is a good option for many Sunday customers who may not be experienced with overseeding, it’s important to note that any time you buy a coated seed, you can expect about half of your bag of seed to be that inert seed coating:
When using my grass seed calculator to determine how much seed you need for your yard, keep this in mind and understand that a 5 pound bag of coated seed is probably under 2.5 pounds of actual seed.
You may need to buy a little extra for good coverage.
The three fescue varieties used in my bag of Fescue Rescue are quite good – better than what you’d probably find in an off-the-shelf bag from a name brand at the big box store.
How I Tested Fescue Rescue Grass Seed from Sunday
I do a lot of my seed testing over the winter when I’m also starting annuals and veggies for my garden.
This allows me to grow and test grass seed indoors in a controlled environment and in ideal conditions so I can really watch and understand how it’s growing to determine how it might perform.
I grew Sunday’s Fescue Rescue in a tall glass vase so I could evaluate root growth, planting it in Espoma’s Organic Seed Starter Premium Potting Mix.
The seed was lightly covered with about 1/4″ of the potting mix as it might be if I was planting it in my yard.
How Sunday Grass Seed Performed
Germination was excellent, and within a few weeks the grass seedlings were tall enough to mow. I expect most people would do their first mow of this grass about 3 weeks after planting it.
Here’s a photo of the Fescue Rescue grass at 7 weeks. I let it grow tall and trimmed it weekly with sharp scissors to simulate regular mowing:
The grass grew vigorously, with deep, healthy roots that reached a depth of 1 foot within 7 days of germination in this loose potting mix.
The Fescue Rescue grass has a nice soft texture, will stay upright even if mowed high, and good color (the grow light in the photograph makes the grass look more light than it actually is – it’s a nice bright green).
Based on other reviews and videos I’d seen, I had expected a wider-blade fescue, but was pleased with the fine blades and nice texture of this grass, which will probably blend well when overseeded into most northern lawns.
Overall, I was pleased with Fescue Rescue seed from Sunday and can recommend it. It’s something I will use in my own lawn.
What Are The Main Ingredients Used In Sunday’s Lawn Care Kits?
Using bio-based formulas may sound like it won’t work as well as traditional fertilizers, but with Sunday’s lawn care subscription, you can be sure that every ingredient that is used has been carefully selected to give you the best end result.
Some of them are probably ingredients you’re already familiar with …
Don’t be put-off by the fact that you can actually pronounce the names of what you’re spreading on your lawn this year.
That’s a good thing.
There are quite a few natural ingredients that are highly effective when used in lawn care, and Sunday chooses the best combination for your specific situation.
How (and why) These Familiar, Bio-Based Ingredients Work for Your Lawn
Blackstrap Molasses
A carbohydrate energy source and natural biostimulant, this ingredient is incorporated into liquid fertilizers because it feeds soil microorganisms and helps to increase the microbial activity that stimulates healthy grass growth and can also reduce thatch buildup in your lawn. It also has a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron and sulfur – some of the most important micronutrients for lawns. It’s also a good source of potassium, that boosts plant health and resilience.
Beet Juice Extract
This ingredient is a good one because the glycinebetaine in it helps to stabilize cell membranes in grass and other plants and will help your lawn cope with drought stress. More than that – it can actually improve the rate of photosynthesis in stressed plants, which produces a stronger, more resilient lawn through the hot summer months when other lawns start to fade to brown.
Sunday uses sustainably harvested Seaweed as a powerful natural food source for your grass. Seaweed’s low cellulose content means it will break down quickly and be accessible to your lawn rapidly. It also contains cytokinins, which Sunday calls “stay green” hormones which work to enhance the root growth of your grass while slowing chlorophyll degradation. It also helps to keep your lawn moist, letting you water your yard less than your neighbors. On top of this, it’s packed with micronutrients like iron, zinc and magnesium, and it also has a healthy dose of Nitrogen and Potash to keep your lawn green and healthy.
Soy Protein
Natural plant-based soy protein has been the go-to option for organic farming for years, but it’s great for your lawn too. This slow-release nitrogen source will feed your lawn longer with a lower risk of burning your grass and less leaching into waterways. Another important reason why Sunday chooses Soy Protein for their fertilizers is that soybeans sequester carbon dioxide when they’re growing – which reduces the impact of warming on the planet.
Now for a Broader look at What’s in the Products Sunday Sells
There are quite a few natural ingredients that are used in Sunday’s lawn care kits, each one chosen for its specific purpose and effectiveness.
In order for plants to live a long and healthy life, there are quite a few things they need, and Sunday makes sure you get the best combination for your lawn.
But Sunday doesn’t just send you one thing – they actually have a robust product line that includes pest killers and deterrants to keep ants, mosquitos, ticks, and other creepy-crawlies out of your home and yard.
And they have some excellent natural weed killers as well. But if you’re like me, you’d like to dig into exactly what goes into the pouches, granules, and spray you’ll get from Sunday.
- Nitrogen: Nearly anyone who loves gardening knows just how important nitrogen is in plant growth. Plants use nitrogen to create chlorophyll, which is an essential nutrient for converting sunlight into energy.
- Phosphorus: One of the most important components of any fertilizer, phosphorus helps with growth and root development. Sunday ensures that you don’t damage your plants by giving you a very precise amount of phosphorus to give your lawn exactly what it needs.
- Potassium: As it plays a very important part in turgor pressure, your plants and lawn can slump and seem lifeless if they are deficient in potassium. Having the right potassium levels can also help protect your lawn from drought, winter, and disease.
Micronutrients and Secondary Nutrients:
- Calcium: Calcium is a secondary nutrient as it works alongside other nutrients to help provide reductions in soil acidity. Neutralizing soil pH helps plants and your lawn synthesize nutrients better; this can be a vital ingredient to include.
- Iron: Iron is essential in helping your grass form dark blades of grass, which kickstarts growth in spring and helps your lawn look its best all year round. Yellowing of grass can be a common symptom that more iron is needed in your lawn.
Soil Amendments:
- Surfactant: The term surfactant refers to ‘surface acting agents,’ which are a vital part of lawn health. Surfactants remove the adhesive properties in your soil and help nutrients penetrate where it counts in order to be absorbed into your lawn.
- Humic Acid: As a very concentrated organic material, humic acid is derived from leonardite coal and increases soil aeration, water-holding capacity, and nitrogen uptake.
- Soy Protein: Soy proteins are a very common application in gardens as they offer a slow release of nutrients. This lowers the risk of leaching and leaf burning and will allow for a fantastic finish on your lawn.
- Seaweed: With an incredible density of nutrients, seaweed’s ability to quickly break down and fertilize your soil is unparalleled. Sunday harnesses this ability and applies it to their lawn care kits, allowing for a fantastic finish in the shortest time possible with organic methods.
- Molasses: Increasing the health of your soil can be as easy as adding a natural surfactant like molasses. With the right balance, it will help your lawn get the best out of its nutrients and give you a healthier lawn in no time.
- Beet Juice Extract: Beet juice extract is readily available as a byproduct of the beet industry and is a very beneficial nutrient to your lawn. The active ingredient in beet juice extract is glycine betaine, which reinforces the cell membranes and improves photosynthesis.
Natural Pesticides:
- Pyrethrin: Pyrethrin is a natural and plant-derived ingredient that is very effective in deterring insects as it attacks their central nervous system and acts quickly. Sunday, apply this ingredient to handle out-of-control pests and protect your lawn naturally.
- Spinosad: Produced by a soil bacterium, the neurotoxin in spinosad will effectively remove a majority of insects that do the most damage to your lawn. The best part is that it’s completely non-toxic to pets, especially in the precise amounts provided by Sunday lawn care.
- Iron: We aren’t mentioning it a second time by accident! Iron is not only great for plant health, but it’s a fantastic pesticide. Nearly all lawns will experience no harmful effects from iron as a pesticide, and the best part is that it doesn’t evaporate, making it a good long-term solution.
- Herbicidal Soap: Removing unwanted weeds is easy with herbicidal soap, as it contains a complex array of fatty acids which are ammoniated (contain ammonia). As the fatty acids are broken down, they attack the cell walls of weeds while still being safe for other organisms like grass.
- Cedar Oil: Working primarily as a fungicide, cedar oil is a fantastic natural solution that can also double as an insecticide. When applied to open water, this is a great option for targeting mosquitos, and it has very low toxicity to mammals.
- Lemongrass Oil: As a part of the citrus family, lemongrass oil is a natural insecticide that is very powerful against mosquitos. This ingredient is harmless to other species and will keep your mosquito-free, naturally.
Why the Ingredients Matter
Not only are natural ingredients better for your lawn, kids, and pets … fertilizing and treating your lawn with safe products will also help the environment.
Runoff from lawn treatments can pollute waterways and the soil around your yard. Sunday takes the initiative to use natural ingredients in order to protect not only your lawn but also the environment.
Knowing that your plants are getting everything they need from your uniquely tailored combination of the above ingredients will not only deliver great results, but provide the peace of mind that comes from fertilizing responsibly.
With Sunday’s help, you can get the results you want without turning to the harsh results of conventional fertilizers.
How Do Sunday’s Foliar Feeding Methods Compare To Granular Fertilizers?
Foliar feeding is a very popular way to give your plants the nutrients they need, as fertilizers can be absorbed directly through the leaves of grass and other plants when applied properly.
This is especially useful for plants that are in need of quick nutrition.
Feeding your lawn with a liquid, spray on application allows you to give grass an extra boost when needed.
Foliar feeding is done by spraying the fertilizer solution directly on the leaves of the plants. This is a much more efficient and effective way to give your plants what they need, as the nutrients are quickly absorbed into their systems.
Why Most People Default to Granular Products
Granular fertilizers can be broadcast on your yard using a lawn spreader, but this method is slow-acting and not quite as effective as feeding your lawn with a liquid fertilizer.
Still – most people do it because granular products last longer on the shelf, so that’s what hardware and box stores tend to stock and carry. They can also sell you the spreader, so it makes sense for them to promote these products.
With granular fertilizers, you will need to wait for the nutrients to be absorbed into the root system before they can be used by the plants. And if your soil chemistry isn’t right – many of the nutrients won’t be utilized.
If this is happening in your yard? Well, your expensive granular fertilizer might as well be thrown in the trash.
That’s why soil chemistry matters, and it’s also why Sunday’s liquid fertilizers work for almost everyone.
Sunday’s fertilizers are specifically designed for foliar feeding. They offer a quick and efficient way to get your plants what they need in order to thrive.
Not only is it a more effective method, but since it’s all organic ingredients – you don’t have to worry about any of the harsh chemicals that are often found in conventional fertilizers.
How Do You Use Sunday Lawn Care Products?
Applying Sunday Lawn Care’s products is easy. Each delivery, such as the ‘Lawn kickstart’ package you’ll receive in shipment #1, are easy to connect to your hose and spray onto your lawn.
The design of the packets minimizes plastic use per application, so you won’t be dealing with bulky containers or worries of spills.
Depending on what type of lawn you have, you can choose from different packages that fit your needs best. Not only are there packets that connect to the hose, but for more targeted applications such as weed removal, you will also receive a spray bottle.
This can be used to better target specific areas of your lawn where you want to apply fertilizer or herbicide. Whether you have a small yard or a large one, Sunday products are easy to apply and will only require a few minutes of your time.
Sunday’s Lawn Care subscription is the perfect solution for families on the go and those looking to keep their lawns healthy and weed-free without relying on harsh chemicals. Their natural ingredients are safe to use, easy to apply, and offer fast results.
How Do Sunday Lawn Care Users Rank The Product?
People who have used the Sunday lawn care product line have nothing but good things to say about it.
Many are impressed by how straightforward it is to use and how quickly their lawns have responded to the treatments.
Not only are they seeing better results than they had with their previous products, but they also appreciate that they don’t have to worry about any of the harsh chemicals. Here is a look at how users have ranked the Sunday lawn care product line:
Ease Of Use – User Ranking Of 9/10
Everything about Sunday’s approach to lawn care is incredibly user-friendly.
From easy-to-follow instructions to simple, natural ingredients, you can have your lawn looking great in no time.
With the custom lawn plan, you get all the information and tools you need to find out exactly what your lawn needs.
Once you send back the soil sample, Sunday lawn care does all the hard work and creates the perfect plan for your lawn.
Reliable Shipping And Delivery – User Ranking Of 9/10
Having a constant supply of the necessary ingredients is essential for effective lawn care. Sunday lawn care has made sure that its customers never have to worry about running out of product.
Their shipping and delivery system is incredibly reliable. You can customize your shipments to arrive when you need them, and their nutrient pouches save space and allow them to use less packaging material, and less carbon getting the delivery to your door.
My shipments have always arrived in perfect condition with no spills or breakage, but if you do have a problem, Sunday is great about taking care of it promptly.
Sunday lawn care ships all over the US, so your location isn’t an issue either. This means you can get the ingredients and tools you need to maintain a healthy lawn whenever you need them, no matter where you are located.
Convenience – User Ranking Of 10/10
Taking all of the complexity out of lawn care is one of the main benefits that Sunday Lawn Care offers.
You don’t have to worry about over-fertilizing your lawn or using harsh chemicals.
As a result, users consistently give high marks for convenience. After all, they’re taking all of the guesswork out of the equation.
Instead, you can simply follow the instructions that they provide and be sure that your lawn is getting all of the nutrients it needs. Plus, you can adjust the frequency of your shipments to ensure that you never run out of product.
Online Sunday Lawn Care reviews are consistent with customers marveling at how easy it is to use Sunday.
With all the convenience that it offers, users rank it highly, and many continue to recommend it to their friends and family.
How Easy is it to Use Sunday’s Custom Lawn Plan?
The custom lawn plan from Sunday is incredibly easy to use.
That’s kind of the point.
The only work involved is attaching their nutrient pouches to your hose and watering your lawn, and collecting a soil sample to drop in the mail in the provided pre-paid envelope.
You can handle that, right?
Once you have collected your soil samples, Sunday Lawn Care takes care of the rest.
They analyze your soil in a lab, and create a personalized plan for your lawn, shipping you everything you need (except the hose … though you can add one to your order if you like), with clear (and fun!) instructions, exactly when you need it.
You literally don’t need to think of your lawn outside of mowing it until your next shipment arrives.
Focus on enjoying it!
If you can’t find tips or advice on my site, check out their blog. They have some great no-fluff tips that will get you up to speed on their approach, their products, and best practices.
And I love that if you have any issues with your Sunday plan, their knowledgeable team is always happy to help.
How Does Sunday Lawn Care Compare To Done-For-You And Local Landscaping Services?
Sunday Lawn Care provides a very individualized approach to lawn care. They tailor your plan to your lawn and soil. That’s something you just don’t get with most local pros.
Unlike big national brands like TruGreen, and local yard maintenance and landscaping contractors, Sunday Lawn Care provides a custom plan specifically tailored to the needs of your lawn.
They take your lawn grass type, soil analysis, the weather, and how you use your yard into account. You get a custom solution designed to work for you.
This means that you have a greater chance of success.
Although a lot of services provide soil analysis and fertilization, Sunday Lawn Care takes it one step further by providing personalized advice on how to maintain a healthy lawn.
For some, a local pro may be more convenient. But in my experience most homeowners don’t mind rolling up their sleeves for a bit of DIY, they just need some direction. Sunday gives that to you.
Very rarely do done-for-you, and local services use organic, sustainable practices (and if they do, you can bet you’ll pay extra for it!), but with Sunday Lawn Care, you can be sure that your lawn is getting the good stuff and your family and pets are welcome in your lawn any time.
Advantages Of Sunday Lawn Care Over More Traditional DIY Care?
There’s no doubt that a DIY approach is one of the most appealing options when it comes to lawn care, and some of us (raises hand) love trying new DIY lawn care products, and mixing and matching products from the best lawn care brands to get the results we’re after.
But let’s face it – doing the research and planning is a lot of work.
And even with the best effort and planning, it can be challenging to get the results you want.
Sunday Lawn Care Enters the Room…
Sunday Lawn Care’s smart lawn plan eliminates the less glamorous and (let’s say it) less fun parts of the job of caring for our lawn, keeping the DIY part we all enjoy most.
That’s a win in my book, and something that will work for most of my readers.
Getting the balance of ingredients right is very difficult, especially when using organic methods, so using Sunday Lawn Care’s custom plan ensures that you are using the right ingredients in the correct quantities.
The team at Sunday Lawn Care can provide advice and guidance, making sure you get the best results possible.
The average weekend warrior gets an A+ for effort, but that bag of synthetic from the box store isn’t feeding your soil, and probably isn’t great for Timmy and Sally (or Fido) either.
Beyond all of that – I just like that Sunday is legitimately working toward a better approach to lawn care.
When you get to know their mission and business model, you can tell they are genuinely trying to do better each year, taking strides toward reducing their carbon footprint and improving the good they do with charitable partners.
Check out their annual impact report to see what I mean.
It’s a brand you can feel good about purchasing from, and that counts for a lot.
What Makes Sunday Lawn Care Such A Hit With Its Subscribers?
Results are definitely one of the biggest draws for Sunday Lawn Care subscribers. The custom plans help ensure that you get your desired results without having to spend hours researching and finding the right ingredients.
The use of organic, sustainable practices is also a major attraction, as this allows subscribers to feel good about taking care of their lawns without hurting the environment.
Guaranteed Results
Sunday Lawn Care is so confident in its plans and services that they provide a guarantee of results.
If you follow their plan and the results aren’t as desired, they will work with you to develop a new plan that will get your lawn looking the way you want it.
I don’t know of a ton of companies in this space that guarantee results like this. And I think there’s tremendous value in the peace of mind this guarantee will provide.
Especially if you’re always short on time, it’s great to know that your lawn is in good hands and you won’t have to worry about it.
User Support
Love the products and just want a little extra? The team at Sunday Lawn Care is always on hand to provide support and guidance.
Sunday has a dedicated customer service team that I found to be knowledgeable and excellent.
They’ll answer your questions and fulfill product requests quickly and efficiently.
Users have rated the support very highly, and even if there are slight doubts, you can be sure that you will get answers quickly.
This helps give users the confidence that their lawn is in good hands and that they are not alone in the process of taking care of their lawn.
Sustainably Focused
Environmental sustainability is becoming more and more important as the number of people looking to reduce their impact on the environment increases.
Sunday Lawn Care sets itself apart from other services by making sustainability a priority and using organic, sustainable practices whenever possible.
Sunday customers can feel good knowing they’re working with a company that puts special focus on caring for the environment.
On top of its organic products, Sunday Lawn Care recycles unused products and works with local suppliers in order to keep its carbon footprint as small as possible.
Sunday donates unused products to local organizations instead of sending them to the landfill, which helps to reduce waste. And their packaging choices are intentional, helping them cut packaging materials and shipping emissions.
They’re also a 1% for the planet business – meaning they donate a percentage of every sale to help preserve wildlife habitats across the U.S.
If you’re trying to make a positive difference when it comes to your lawn, you’ll not only be helping the environment by choosing natural products and methods, but by supporting Sunday Lawn Care’s sustainable practices as well.
Sunday Lawn Care stands alone as one of the most comprehensive and thoughtful natural lawn care solutions for your lawn.
With guaranteed results and user support, you can be sure that your lawn will get the best possible care.
Questions & Limitations To Keep In Mind With Sunday Lawn Care
Even though Sunday’s subscription automates most of the logistics of lawn care, it’s not a hands-free lawn care solution. You’re still going to have to get out there and apply the products when they arrive at your door.
While taking care of your lawn using organic methods is a good idea, it cannot replace or substitute manual labor.
If, for example, there is a lot of thatch build-up in your turf, then it will be up to you to manually rake and remove it. You can buy a dethatcher to get the job done quicker. Even though organic products can help promote good growth, they are not a magical solution that can fix all problems overnight.
Also – though it may seem a small concern – the length and weight of your garden hose may also be a limitation to using Sunday Lawn Care products. This is because a lot of the products connect to your garden hose, so if it is not long enough to reach all parts of the lawn, you may have trouble applying nutrients sent to you by Sunday.
They have a helpful article on the subject, and actually sell some hoses, but I’ve found that my Zero G 100 foot flexible hose from Ace Hardware works really well – it’s the one I recommend.
Is Sunday Lawn Care The Right Choice For You?
Deciding whether or not Sunday Lawn Care is the right choice for you depends on a few different factors.
The main thing to consider is how much time and money you want to invest in taking care of your lawn, as well as what kind of result you’re looking for.
If you like taking care of your lawn, but you’re either:
- Short on time,
- Not sure what to do, or
- Don’t like picking out products yourself
This is a match made in heaven.
While it’s not a total hands-off approach to looking after your yard the way hiring a professional is, you can get similar results, more naturally, and enjoy the pride and satisfaction that comes from a job well done.
For a lot of people (and a lot of my readers), I think that’s a winning combination of features, and it’s why I’m happy to recommend Sunday to you as a 5-star option for natural DIY lawn care.
Safety First
With Sunday your lawn will look better, but it will also be a safer environment for your kids, pets, and guests.
And I don’t know about you, but doing good for the environment you live in (even if the only part you control is your yard) provides a feeling of satisfaction that stays with me and translates to other areas of my life.
That’s missing from many SUnday lawn care reviews, but it is something that I believe is actually super valuable and worth investing in.
But don’t just take my word for it. Check out their online reviews (which feature plenty of amazing photos from satisfied customers) and get your free quote with Sunday coupon code LAWNCHICK2024 to see if a year of natural lawn care, delivered, is in your budget.
My review of Sunday Lawn Care is that it’s an excellent DIY lawn care solution. If you are looking for an organic, turn-key option that eliminates the logistics of lawn care and allows you to focus on doing the work and enjoying the results, then Sunday Lawn Care is definitely worth considering.